How to connect both Universal Analytics and GA4 properties of same account in Wordpress?

Hi friends in this article we are going to see How to connect both Universal Analytics and GA4 properties of same account in Wordpress .


1.What is google analytics ?
2.What is Universal Analytics?
3. What is GA4?
4.Issues in GA4?
5.How to solve GA4 issue?
6.How to setup Monsterinsights Dual Tracking of Universal Analytics and GA4 ?
6.1 Video : Monsterinsights Installation 2021 Video
6.2 Video : How to find UA -id & enter UA - id in Monsterinsights Dual Tracking
6.3 Video : How to find GA4 Measurement id & enter GA4 Measurement id in Monsterinsights Dual Tracking
7.Other Features of Google analytics 4 or GA4
8.What are some other drawbacks in Google analytics 4 ?
9.Why we are recommending to install MonsterInsights Pro Plugin for dual tracking?
10.Other Features of Monsterinsights Paid version
11. MonsterInsights Pricing plans


First let we see what is google analytics ?

Google Analytics is a free tool offered by Google that can help you to measure the traffic to your website, making it easier to understand what's working and what's not.

Next What is Universal Analytics?

It is one of the previous version of Google Analytics.

Upto October 14, 2020 Universal Analytics is the default property type for websites.

Next What is GA4?

GA4 (Google analytics 4 ) is the new google analytics version . 

GA 4  also formerly known as “App + Web” 

What’s the issue of using only GA4?

Data in GA4 will be shown only from the date created in GA4. The data of Universal Analytics will not be shown in GA4.

For website owners , this is huge drawback to track data.

How to solve GA4 issue?

Try Monsterinsights Pro plugin which can dual track & keeps data of both Universal Analytics and GA4 .

It’s simple and easy ! .

How to set Monsterinsights Dual Tracking of Universal Analytics and GA4 ?

Step1: Install MonsterInsights. If you have not yet installed MonsterInsights check below video.

In the below video tutorial , I have selected GA4 just to show the Launch SETUP Wizard & installation process .

Video : Monsterinsights Installation 2021 Video

Note: It’s your wish to choose universal analytics or GA4 property. Here in this tutorial I have selected property GA4 .

Step 2: After Step 1 , I need to enter UA – id (Universal Analytics tracking id) in the Monsterinsights Settings.  

Watch the below video tutorial . If you want Text explanation , it starts from step 2.1 

Video : How to find UA -id & enter UA - id in Monsterinsights Dual Tracking

Step 2.1 : 

In short explanation:   Your Google Analytics Account >> Universal Analytics property >> Admin >> Tracking info >> Tracking Code >> Copy the UA tracking Id 

In more detail explanation : Goto your Google Analytics Account & select your Universal Analytics property. Scroll down and Click Admin. Select Click Tracking info. Next choose  the option Tracking Code  . Copy the UA tracking Id . 

Ok now , Goto Settings option in the Monsterinsights Wordpress Plugin .

Step 3: Scroll down and you can see a section called Google Authentication .

Step 4: In Google Authentication, there is a blank field called as Dual tracking Profile is available. Here you have to enter UA tracking Id . 

Click Save Changes on top right side. And the settings will be updated. That’s all.  

Suppose, If you have selected Universal Analytics property during first installation of Monsterinsights then you need to add GA4 Measurement ID in the Dual tracking Profile. 

Kindly check below video tutorial for this. If you want Text explanation , it was also given in below video.

Video : How to find GA4 Measurement id & enter GA4 Measurement id in Monsterinsights Dual Tracking

Text explanation :

In short explanation:   Your Google Analytics Account >> GA4  property >> Admin >> Data Streams >> Click Website(Called as “Stream URL”)  here in tutorial it is “”>> Copy the Measurement Id 

In more detail explanation : 

Goto your Google Analytics Account & select your GA4 property. Scroll down and Click Admin. 

Select Data Streams .

In Data Streams , I selected the Web tab . Next you need to click the Website. here in this tutorial the website name is . Here the website name is called as stream URL 

Now the web stream detail window opens. And here on top right side you can see Measurement Id . Copy that . 

Return to wordpress dashboard. 

Goto Settings option in the Monsterinsights Wordpress Plugin .

Scroll down and you can see a section called Google Authentication .

In Google Authentication, there is a blank field called as Dual tracking Profile is available. Here you have to paste the Measurement Id (i.e GA4 Measurement Id ). 

Click Save Changes on top right side. And the settings will be updated. That’s all.  

Other Features of Google analytics 4 or GA4:

1.The core of Google analytics 4 or GA4 is built with machine learning.

2. Google Analytics 4 gives you a deeper perspective on the full customer lifecycle with insights for acquisition, and retention .The best things about Google Analytics is that it can integrate data from both mobile & web apps to give you a clear view of your customers.

3. Google Analytics 4 can be used for a long time and it is/will be the recent default Google Analytics version

What are some other drawbacks in Google analytics 4 ?

1.Small business owners feels the interface hard to understand and handle. Their main and basic needs in interface are  page views , bounce rate and some others like this need to be viewed directly which is enough for them .  In short, Reports can be tricky to understand.

2.Google Analytics 4 has excluded the Bounce Rate feature instead it has engaged sessions .

3.Google Analytics 4 cannot integrate with Google Search Console

 Why we are recommending to install MonsterInsights Pro Plugin for dual tracking?

You  no need to be coding expert . No need to think more about practicing  GA4 interface if you have MonsterInsights Pro version . Just Copy the and Paste the UA id or G-id . And you can see all the details within wordpress dashboard.

Form conversion tracking, custom dimensions integration were still available in Monsterinsights Pro version. We hope you already know this , that GA4 doesn’t have direct way to track form conversions.

EU compliance is a good way to keep up with the new privacy regulations, especially GDPR and CCPA. Monsterinsights still have this feature also. 

Advanced eCommerce features and settings can be accessed with just a few clicks. Some of them Supports ecommerce plugins Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce,and MemberPress

Other Features of Monsterinsights Paid version:

MonsterInsights is a google analytics plugin for wordpress.

While writing this article, MonsterInsights has 2+ million downloads & has 4.6 Average Rating.

Its features,   

 Custom Reports

Analytics Dashboard

Dashboard Widget

Email Summaries

Page Insights

Date Range History

Real Time Report

Publishers Report

Ecommerce Report

Search Console

PDF Exports

Form Conversions

Custom Dimensions

Headline Analyzer

Tracking Solutions

Universal Tracking

EU Compliance

Engagement Tracking

eCommerce Tracking

Enhanced Ecommerce

Form Conversions

File Downloads

Enhanced Link Tracking

Scroll Tracking

Affiliate Links

Banner Ads


Google AMP

FB Instant Articles


Easy Digital Downloads


Custom Dimensions

Author Tracking

Logged-in User Tracking

Custom Post Types

Category / Tags Tracking

SEO Score Tracking

Google Optimize

MonsterInsights Pricing plans:

1.Plus – $99.50/year (Regular Price $199/year) – Upto 1 site

2.Pro – $199.50/year (Regular Price $399/year)- Upto 5 sites

3.Agency-$399.50/year(Regular Price $799/year)-Upto 25 sites

That's all friends about the article, How to connect both Universal Analytics and GA4 properties of same account in Wordpress?

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