Quick & Easy: How to Set Up Form Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics

 Hi friends in this article we are going to see Quick & Easy: How to Set Up Form Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics.

First we see conversion with little bit detail.

In general , Conversion tracking means auditing what are the actions took by customers in the business goal. The business goal may be playing some videos (or) adding items to cart (or) signup newsletter (or) form submission (or) visiting a site (or) downloading some digital content (or) buying a product (or) downloading an app and so on.

For example, in online advertising field, there are many conversion types based on business goal. Some of them are,

View-through conversion metrics

 Phone Call Conversions

Estimated Cross-Device Conversions

Estimated Total Conversions

Click-Assisted Conversions

Impression-Assisted Conversions

View-Through Conversions

Why conversion tracking is needed for your website?

1.It helps to improve audience segmentation. Whether it's a product (or) app (or)ebook (or) something else , we have to send to the needed (i.e) related people .Why? For example if you are sending newsletter to a people who actually don't need that information means , they have a chance to unsubscribe. Not only about that subscription they have connected with you for some other product and it will also most probably gone. So, 2 in 1 loss.

So to avoid this we can take conversion tracking as one of solution. With the help of conversion tracking , we can split the audience based on their needs and we can send separate newsletters . So it not only reduces unsubscribes but also increase reputation and more subscriptions.

2. Make upcoming content awesome.
3.Helps to improve website user experience.
4.Helps to find out which keyword is performing better for website
5.Helps to find out what/which sources bringing traffic to website.
6.If your website using ads like ppc campaigns, conversion tracking definitely going to save a lot of money for you.

Ok, Let we come to the topic. Here we are going to see form conversion tracking setup.

How to easily setup conversion tracking for your forms in wordpress websites?

East or West , Google Analytics is best when we want to know analytics of a website. But the problem is setting up conversion tracking is a lengthy process, time consuming and complex for newbies.

To overcome this situation we can use Monsterinsights analytics wordpress plugin. It saves time and less work to setup and conversion tracking.

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Be sure you have paid plan of Monsterinsights analytics wordpress plugin. After installing Monsterinsights in your wordpress website , Goto Addons. In the Addons , click find Forms Addon and click Install.

After installing Forms Addon , besure to check it was active.

Now Monsterinsights will start to get form related data. Not only it will get data but also displays the report.

To see this form data report in Monsterinsights goto Reports page.

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In Reports page click Forms Tab. Each form has the details of how much impressions and coversions it got. And also shows the report of Conversion Rate.

How to find which source bringing leads to site?

For this, we have to use Google Analytics account.

In Google Analytics, Goto Behaviour. In the Behaviour Dropdown, Choose Events. Under Events Click Top Events. In the right side, reports will be shown in table format. In Event Category header, click Form

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Now we can view two Event Actions . They are Impression and Conversion . Our need is to view the source of people who done form completion. So for that we have to click Conversions.

Now it will display the event label . These are the forms submitted by people . The form can be of any type like camp registration form, contact form and others. Next we want to know the source of forms. for that click a form which you want to track its source in event label . 

Now in Secondary dimension search field , type source /medium . Now it will automatically shows the place of source /medium which is under the Acquisition dimension.

Now it will display whether the source is from google (or) direct (or) some others.

We can also find what are the other websites brought traffic to your website. For this we have to use Advance filter. Click Advanced . In that choose the first drop down menu as include , second drop down menu as Source / Medium , Third drop down menu as containing and in the search field for my needs i am typing referral.

Now Advance filter will be ON and the websites which bringing traffic to our website will also be displayed.

That's all friends.

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